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ChitChat Café - Discussions, ideas and thoughts about current, future and past games
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Games: ChitChat Café - Discussions, ideas and thoughts about current, future and past games
Created by: outbackprince

7/5/16 @ 10:35pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Some where in a world of fantasy and intreauge wit
Posts: 318

I think there should be a rule where if you have replyed in a game you then have to wait till someone else has replyed before replying again...
Created by: ourjeffie

7/5/16 @ 11:40pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,377

You mean like in chess?

Isn't this an implied rule in all Forum games, and in games on all sites?
Created by: chrisdk

7/6/16 @ 12:42am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

*looks around irritatedly*
*nods heavily*
*blinks nervously*
Created by: chrisdk

7/6/16 @ 3:52am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

*sighs deeply, raises voice*

back-to-back posts are the reason why I didn't play much lately.
I go highly animated into a game thread and see continuous replies by the same player and that just lets my motivation drop and at times I won't answer at all.
Seeing that those threads, I didn't feel like answering at all, got longer and longer is not helping.

:) My Flirtversary is this Friday, though, and I wanna reach 8000 posts until then :thumbsup :drinkup. So I came back and try to ignore this ... as apparently lots of people are used to do here for a long time already.

The few times I tried to point this out "during a game", I got snatched and silenced :(.
I wear glasses, please don't hit me. :angel
Created by: ourjeffie

7/6/16 @ 6:20am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,377

I feel the same way - seeing multiple posts from the same player discourages me from playing in that game. For a while now I have not posted in any game where the last poster has posted multiple times, but now I think I have a better idea - I will simply ignore any back-to-back posts

Created by: derek99

7/6/16 @ 7:24am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,131

You want to know what is bad, and this has been said, too. Seeing posts every couple, or a few mins. by the same person after another person has posted in the previous one. As if a person is waiting, and wanting to post after a person has, and is living on a computer. You guys want to try to start pointing fingers at me for something to feel guilty. Don't try to do that because it won't work, and there are people, who have still posted a few more hundred more, than me, which I know an exact number, but I'm not saying, and giving any usernames. I'm not just included in this conversation, but other people are, since they are coming here to look, and read what everything is said. We should be setting an example to them, but I think sometimes, we look, and sound like ch*ldren. If anyone doesn't have anything nice, or worthwhile to say, then don't say anything at all, and keep it to yourselves. Just like you (Chris), I've even seen, and read some threads, which are repeating the same answers, and there doesn't seem to be an end to them. Since there seems to be a discrepancy, how about not play anymore games at all, the administration maybe takes the game threads away (if people are being mean, or aren't nice to each other. They could, or can do it.), or not post for a certain length of time. I haven't posted in any game threads for a certain length of time a few times. Why don't other people try it to see. Perhaps it'll get them to get out more instead of being inside, and behind their computers a lot, or most of the time.
Created by: chrisdk

7/6/16 @ 8:40am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

:( well now, I feel miserable. I love the Games Forum, I wanna play games. I wanna play with all of you :).
We did not try to get admins to reopen it for models for them to find it in ruins.
Created by: lickau

7/6/16 @ 2:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

It does not bother me for same person to answer more than 1 time .
If a post like "Model name game" was not replied for over a month - I has a back to back reply a few times .

I saw new names replying to a song title thread from A to Z .
It seemed they were having fun :twocents
I rather seeing people have fun that no one playing the games .

I do understand some games like "Rhyme game" is a competition for OurJeffie .
1 reply and wait is how it has been done .

We need a compromise that allows some games to be replied ad lib and a few games a single reply .
I enjoy playing games with EVERYONE .

Chris , Derek , OurJeffie and OutbackPrince - How about allowing some topics to have multiple replies and some topics with 1 reply ?

Everyone who plays here should always have a voice :twocents

cOOkies and rOOtbeer for all :drinkup
Created by: derek99

7/6/16 @ 6:06pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,131

LickaU (Bart), for one thing, I would think there should be a compromise, middle ground, or halfway between something, and anything. It's as if some people don't want to listen, or completely ignore. Chris, I can see you seem to be a sincere person, too. It's a compliment. Not like some people, who come on here, and are on here. I was able, and got to watch a little bit of the first semi-final soccer game.
Created by: chrisdk

7/8/16 @ 3:20am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

Well, Germany lost, but it was still a great game :thumbsup.

I am concerned about recent developments on the Games Forum ... and confused if I should take a break for you to sort it out or ignore ourjeffies protesting posts.

I was hoping when the models are allowed back here, we would NOT be a total mess. I agree there are games where it doesn't matter much if double posts are given, but with other games it would matter (to me).
Created by: derek99

7/8/16 @ 4:42am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,131

I would say to you (Chris) "Happy First Year Anniversary", for being on here.
Created by: chrisdk

7/8/16 @ 5:12am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

Thanks so much Derek :). I waited almost a year for someone else to make a "Cheers Chris" topic, but that never happend :drinkup.
Created by: ourjeffie

7/8/16 @ 6:07am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,377

Chris, congratulations for being on here for one whole year :) * hug *

I was going to wait for you to reach 8,000 posts before I congratulated you, but something seems to have happened to your post count :smoking
Created by: derek99

7/8/16 @ 6:39am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,131

Chris, you were a little past 8,000 posts for that.
Created by: chrisdk

7/8/16 @ 6:45am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

Thank you guys :). Looks like "updating" my profile data did reset the counter ...
Created by: derek99

7/8/16 @ 11:43am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,131

You are welcome, and no problem at all, Chris :).
Created by: lickau

7/8/16 @ 7:34pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

I will start with a few games that I started or help to start them .
These games may have multiple entries .
I won't chose games started by other people at this time .
This is a compromise .
OurJeffie and OutBackPrince prefer no back to back replies .
Chris and I think it is ok with some games .
Later Chris may add games that he started later .

Games that can have back to back replies :
1 - Word Association - Fictional Character [ Started with Derek's ideal ]
2 - Song OR Artist - A to Z
3 - The Food Chain
4 - TV Show OR Movie - A to Z
5 - Celebrity Chain Game
6 - CRAZY Emotions Song Thread

Games that have only 1 reply at a time :
1 - Rhyming game
2 - New Word Game - Change 1 Letter
3 - Never ending 4 letter challenge [ Started by Sweet ]
4 - Numbers Game

This is NOT set in stone :twocents
OurJeffie like to compete and should be allowed to continue .
Derek likes to do multiple replies ; 6 identified games that is ok to post more than 1 reply .

Other people speak up and discuss . We will see how it works .
Topics started by other people will stay 1 reply until otherwise designated .
Chris stated some threads are ok .
I hope this will make game forum be smoother and without arguments/protests :drinkup

Remember a NEW THREAD can be started and the person starts it with their rules ***HINT***
I will occasionally "bump" a topic with a back to back reply . It takes me 30 minutes to play most the games in the forum . I am getting slower every year .

Chocolates and icey fruit drinks are still here to CELEBRATE Chris' 1st Flirtversaru :drinkup
Created by: ourjeffie

7/8/16 @ 9:18pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,377

LickaU: a well thought-out compromise, and I will go along with it

BUT it's a complex set of rules where one simple rule would suffice : 'No back to back posts'. This has been the implied rule all along

The fact is that all except one player have been happy to abide by this implied rule, only one player routinely makes back to back posts
Created by: lickau

7/8/16 @ 10:24pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

LickaU: a well thought-out compromise, and I will go along with it

BUT it's a complex set of rules where one simple rule would suffice : 'No back to back posts'. This has been the implied rule all along

The fact is that all except one player have been happy to abide by this implied rule, only one player routinely makes back to back posts

I was trying to keep "competitive games" with normal 1 reply .
Also allowing multiple replies in 6 games that are for fun and not competitive .
I am not trying to get things complex .
I think Model Name Game is the main games that I bump after a month on no replies . I also post back to back - only at a slower rate .

Thank you OurJeffie for the compromise . :drinkup
Created by: chrisdk

7/9/16 @ 10:36am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

So first a personal announcement *coughs*, Chris is now officially str8 and not hiding anymore, so stop his'sing and start her'ring. :drinkup
Thank you gentlemen :thumbsup.

Now for the games, I created (including restarts):
Double posts allowed:
> [Reloaded] Kinky Words Game
> The ABC of Classical Music, Opera and Instruments
> *** REMOVED GAME ***
> Flirt4Free Gazette - New issue! :)
> ChitChat Café - Discussions, ideas and thoughts about current, future and past games :)

one-by-one posts only:
> [Reloaded] What would you do?
> Don't Touch that!!!
> My cOOkie!
> Alien Invasion!
> Three curious facts about ...
> [Do-it-yourself] Impractical DIY Projects

Personally, I don't like double posts on ABC/A-Z games, because that makes me feel like I will NEVER get to a certain letter. However, I follow LickaU's example and make this suggestion on the basis of competiveness or degree of dialogue.

I don't think LickaU has to worry about the Model Name Game any time soon. Did you see we had another player during the July 4th weekend?

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